How to submit data to GenBank

The most important source of new data for GenBank® is direct submissions from scientists. GenBank depends on its contributors to help keep the database as comprehensive, current, and accurate as possible. NCBI provides timely and accurate processing and biological review of new entries and updates to existing entries, and is ready to assist authors who have new data to submit.

Receiving an Accession Number for your Manuscript

Most journals require DNA and amino acid sequences that are cited in articles be submitted to a public sequence repository (DDBJ/EMBL/Genbank - INSDC) as part of the publication process. Data exchange between DDBJ, EMBL and GenBank occurs daily so it is only necessary to submit the sequence to one database, whichever one is most convenient, without regard for where the sequence may be published. Sequence data submitted in advance of publication can be kept confidential if requested. GenBank will provide accession numbers for submitted sequences, usually within two working days. This accession number serves as an identifier for your submitted your data, and allows the community to retrieve the sequence upon reading the journal article. The accession number should be included in your manuscript, preferably in a footnote on the first page of the article, or as required by individual journal procedures.

Submissions to GenBank

There are several options for submitting data to GenBank:

  • BankIt, a WWW-based submission tool with wizards to guide the submission process
  • Sequin, NCBI's stand-alone submission tool with wizards to guide the submission process is available by FTP for use on for MAC, PC, and UNIX platforms.
  • tbl2asn, a command-line program, automates the creation of sequence records for submission to GenBank using many of the same functions as Sequin. It is used primarily for submission of complete genomes and large batches of sequences and is available by FTP for use on MAC, PC and Unix platforms.
  • Submission Portal, a unified system for multiple submission types. Currently only 16S ribosomal RNA from bacteria/archaea can be submitted with the GenBank component of this tool. This will be expanded in the future to include other types of GenBank submissions. Genome and Transcriptome Assemblies can be submitted through the WGS and TSA portals, respectively.
  • Barcode Submission Tool, a WWW-based tool for the submission of sequences and trace read data for Barcode of Life projects based on the COI gene.

BankIt, Submission Portal and Barcode Submission Tool entries are automatically submitted to GenBank. Submissions made with Sequin or tbl2asn must be mailed to [email protected]. Large files which may be truncated during mailing with conventional mail tools should be submitted directly using Sequin MacroSend.

You can subscribe RSS_feed to be notified of updates to the submission tools.

There are specialized, streamlined procedures for batch submissions of sequences, such as EST and GSS sequences.

Submissions of Raw Sequence Reads

Updating or Revising a GenBank Sequence

Revisions or updates to GenBank entries can be made by the submitters at any time. Information about the correct format for different types of updates can be found on the Update guidelines page. Send updates and revisions to [email protected]. Be sure to include the accession number of the sequence to be updated in the subject line.


Some authors are concerned that the appearance of their data in GenBank prior to publication will compromise their work. GenBank will, upon request, withhold release of new submissions for a specified period of time. However, if a paper citing the sequence or accession number is published prior to the specified date, your sequence will be released upon publication. In order to prevent the delay in the appearance of published sequence data, we urge authors to inform us of the appearance of the published data. As soon as it is available, please send the full publication data--all authors, title, journal, volume, pages and date--to the following address: [email protected]


If you are submitting human sequences to GenBank, do not include any data that could reveal the personal identity of the source. It is our assumption that you have received any necessary informed consent authorizations that your organizations require prior to submitting your sequences.

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